What is the Vatican saying about condoms?

What is the Vatican saying about condoms?

After Cardinal Martini caused an uproar by saying condoms might be okay for married couples, a new report came out that had Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan of the Pontifical Council for Health Care saying that the Vatican is preparing a document on condoms in such situations. The mainstream media went nuts with that, taking it to mean that the Vatican is on the verge of approving condoms. Except he said no such thing.

An official of the council disputed the report in the Italian newspaper La Reppublica as inaccurate, especially the interpretation of Lozano Barrgan’s quoted remark about making “the Church’s position more flexible.”

Nevertheless, Msgr. Antonio Soto Guerrero, personal secretary of Cardinal Lozano Barragán, and member of the Pontifical Council for Health, told CNA that “the Doctrine of the Church remains firmly within the principles of Catholic moral. Facing AIDS, there is abstinence; we cannot forget that the issue has to do in large parts to a moral disorder facing the seventh commandment.”

... “Our dicasteries have already sent very serious studies from members and consulters who are answering to consultations requested by the Congregation (for the Doctrine of the Faith). The Congregation will then carry out a thorough study that will last a few months before presenting the conclusions to the Pope, who will subsequently decide of the publication of a document.”

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