The life and vitality of the Church

The life and vitality of the Church

Diane at Te Deum alerts us to a dynamic young Dominican order of women in Michigan: Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Check out the pictures of this large group of young women in traditional habits and contrast that with the photos from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious I wrote about earlier this month. Now tell me where the life and vitality and joy in the Church is.

Of course, the other thing the photos tell me as I look at the photo of postulants is how old I feel. They all look so young.

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1 comment
  • A couple of years ago, when one of my best friends made her profession, the median age at that convent was 27.  They are beautiful women, always smiling and happy.  I’m blessed to have known several of the women there – I just wish that they were closer!

