The Bill of Rights is for everyone but conservatives

The Bill of Rights is for everyone but conservatives

The ACLU has bullied the Pentagon into ending sponsorship of Boy Scout troops on military bases. At issue is the fact that God is mentioned in the Scout Oath and that religion is viewed as a virtue.

“If our Constitution’s promise of religious liberty is to be a reality, the government should not be administering religious oaths or discriminating based upon religious beliefs,” said Adam Schwartz of the ACLU of Illinois.

For one thing, the oath is not administered by the government, but by the Scout troops themselves. And so what if troop leaders are government employees. They are leaders on the spare time, not as part of their jobs. Does this mean that people who hold government jobs cannot use their spare time to take engage in religious activities? For that matter, it throws into question whether the military can have chaplains at all. If the Scouts are verboten because of their connections to religion, how is it that military chaplains are any less an entanglement?

  • take it another step further – will tax deductions to religious organizations no longer be tax deductible.  They crossed a line that made everything grey.

    ACLU – civil liberties for only the immoral.

  • I really think the use of official chaplains by the Congress…one for each of the Houses…is a violation of the separation clause….

  • This is analogous to the fight against the School Voucher Program. Who is being hurt most by this and where does it end…?

    As Robert Bork remarked, “pretty soon they’ll come after the Marines for Semper Fidelis.”

    I suggest the ACLU send some representatives to Fallujah for Marine input on this…

  • The continuing assault on the Boy Scouts is an assault on the United States of America. Why? What weakens the Boys Scouts weakens the military. (Don’t you think a VERY large percentage of the military have been Scouts?) What weakens the military weakens the country, especially in time of war. Do I think the ACLU is trying to weaken America? Absolutely.

  • The more I hear about the Scouts…the more important I think they are… I look foward to joining up with my little boys (that is, after I investigate to ensure the other scout masters like girls)… It’ll be fun to get back into the woods and do a few parades (in my military days I was in more parades than I can count.)

    I was surprised that there are actually Catholic merit badges !!! that there seems be some sort of connection to the Catholic Church.

    A buddy of mine sends his son to AWANA which is like Born-Again Christian Boy Scouts…it’d be nice to have everyone under one tent but more power to ‘em…

    Moloch wants our children.

