Prayer requests

Prayer requests

First, Denise Hunnell lets us know that Fr. Michael Duesterhaus is mourning the death of his mother. Father is the military chaplain I blogged about in the post entitled “Real men kneel on stone.”

Also, my good friend and fellow blogger Patrick Coffin is asking for prayers on behalf of his unborn child who is having some medical complications.

But there are a few visible anomalies: enlarged lateral ventricles and posterior fossa of the brain, plus a hole in the heart along with a smaller-than-normal atrial valve. The fetal cardiologist told us the heart may well heal over time before birth. The brain issues are more murky, hard to discern. So we continue to storm heaven.

The amnio found that the baby has a small portion of chromosomal material on the ninth chromosomal pair, and so we’re meeting with a geneticist MD soon to find out what that could mean, if anything.

He’s asking for prayers for the intercession of Pope John Paul II. Please do.

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