Political Fat Cats

Political Fat Cats

Here’s an interesting look at the presidential campaign. Conventional wisdom (i.e. the liberal media) says that Republicans are fat cats while Democrats are the party of the little people. Not so fast.

At the page listed above, who is listed as Number 1 for small contributions from all over America? George W. Bush (and even Al Sharpton beats Kerry in this category). Who is Number 1 on the Devoption Index, i.e. who inspires repeat giving and financial sacrifice? Bush once again. Meanwhile, who is Number 1 on the Fat Cats Index, i.e. who gets large contributions from the wealthiest Americans? Why if it isn’t John Kerry.

Just who is the party of the grassroots and who is the party of the rich? It’s not surprising to me, but I bet it would surprise a lot of people.


