Parish council is so fun

Parish council is so fun

I a member of my parish’s pastoral council. My elected three-year turn was up last spring, but my pastor used one of his pastor’s appointments to re-select me (thanks Father!) and so I get another three-year term. They can be dull affairs with lots of talking and not a whole lot of accomplishment. But they’re not dull anymore, not if Thursday’s meeting was any indication. No, now I have to deal with outright heresy from other members.

Let me start at the beginning. A couple of years ago we decided to end elections for the council because they had become popularity contests, with the same people winning all the time and no new blood. We switched to a Biblical system—pulling nominees names out of a hat. Okay, so we pray for guidance before we do it, but that’s essentially what it is. It sure has resulted in some interesting selections.

There’s one fellow on the council now who is a real Voice of the Faithful type (I know, I’m mentioning them again, but I can’t help it. I can’t get away from them.) Anyway, he has some real strange ideas about the Faith.

  • Sock,

    As I understand it a provision for parish councils is made in canon law and I think that there can be good reason for them. At the least they help the poor overworked pastor by taking some of the tasks that lay people can do.


    The person who provided the “little knowledge” was the previous pastor. Unfortunately that pastor has since pled guilty to soliciting sex over the Internet from what he thought was a teenage boy. Yet, this fellow on the council refuses to believe the priest’s guilt. What is the hold that some priests have over people, even people who don’t believe that priests have a special place in the Church?

  • Gee, I thought Cathedral was the only parish who “drew lots” for parish council members!

    The trick is simple: DON’T put your name in the hat! grin

    Is there a provision in canon law, similar to the “re-selection” privilege, to “de-select” a council member? If there isn’t, there should be…hey, we can call it “Murphy’s Law!”

  • Stephen,

    Well, I always did have soft spot for Texas….

    The first step is to make sure you have a solid pastor, which it seems you do. The second is to remain educated yourself. to paraphrase 1 Peter 3:15, always be prepared to give a defense for your belief. And then be willing to share your understanding with other people, in charity. Rancor and anger don’t convince anyone.

    In the end, though, some people are not interested in discussion or learning what the Church teaches. They know what they want and like and are determined to be their own Magisterium. At that point, you fold your hands, close your mouth, and rely on the strength and wisdom of your pastor.

