On the USCCB lefty looniness

Bill Cork takes me to task for my criticisms of the US bishops’ conference bureaucracy’s new political position papers. I had given a list of the documents and said that many of them reflect a left-wing liberal bias on matters where... [Continue Reading]

Another returns

Even as some of the best and brightest in St. Blog’s have left in recent days, others have returned. First it was Fr. Rob Johansen and now Fr. Bryce Sibley is back. I’m looking forward to his unique blend of humor and piety that we all... [Continue Reading]

When is it sexual abuse?

Last week, I blogged about a priest connected to Boys Town who was removed for abuse which he said was just strict discipline, although the news article never said what that discipline was. Now we know. Apparently, the priest would take misbehaving... [Continue Reading]

Let them pray

The US Department of Education has announced that schools must allow students to pray outside the classroom and teachers to hold religious meetings among themselves or face losing federal money. The article states that directive is a push by the... [Continue Reading]

George and Sharpton

This is perplexing as I’ve respected Cardinal Francis George of Chicago for some time. But his apparent reaction to a parish in his archdiocese allowing Al Sharpton to give the homily at Mass yesterday is confounding. Here is the press release... [Continue Reading]

God rest his soul

Bishop James Hoffman of Toledo, 70, died on Saturday of cancer. He had served as bishop of the diocese since 1981. His death brings to five the number of empty US sees. There are also nine more sees who’s bishops are past the retirement age of... [Continue Reading]

Good news and sad news

The good news is that Jeff Miller, formerly of the Atheist to Theist blog, is back at a new location, The Curt Jester. The sad news is that his mom has died of cancer and I offer my prayers and condolences to him and for his mom.


I’m going to be out of contact until at least Sunday night. Going up to Maine to visit my Mom and sister. I’m hooking up the sled dogs now. They have several feet of snow on the ground right now. If you’re looking for me... [Continue Reading]

Interesting comparison

Thomas Sowell makes a comparison between Germany in the 1930s and Iraq of today. Now before you roll your eyes at another Nazi-Hussein comparison, hear me out. Sowell makes the point that in the 1920s and 30s Germany had been placed under an... [Continue Reading]

