New at the store

New at the store

image Now at the Bettnet Online Store, we’re offering a T-shirt with the emblematic image from our splash page. (Click the T-shirt for a close-up view of the image.) There’s also a women’s version of the shirt.

Evocative of Apple’s hit “Think Different” ad campaign, the “Love Different” image featuring Blessed Teresa of Calcutta evokes a more universal call to love in a different way, showing the divine, selfless love that characterized Mother Teresa’s life rather than what the world considers love.

I made the image some years ago, but recently had someone ask me about how they could get a copy of the image. That made me realize that maybe there are others who’d like the same thing, so here you go.

  • I’d like one, but does it have to have the “advertiser’s logo” on it?

    Unless I’m looking at the splash screen and not the actual tee shirt image.

  • Kelly,

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to. If you click on the t-shirt picture, there’s a close-up of the image that’s printed on it. It is how you see it.

    I just got my shirt today. I have to say it came out looking great.

