This is spiritual care?

This is spiritual care?

Many people have observed that the Diocese of St. Petersburg, and more specifically Bishop Robert Lynch, have been notably absent from the fight to save Terri Schiavo’s life. The best we have gotten so far was a lukewarm press release that basically said the decision by Michael Schiavo to deprive Terri of life was a private family matter. Never mind that the Church’s teaching so far, both from Rome and the US bishops’ conference, is that assisted nutrition and hydration are not artificial means of life extension. If it were just a case of benign neglect, that would be one thing, but now it seems like the diocese is actively trying to discourage people from helping Terri.

The Diocese has released a statement on the spiritual welfare of Terri Schiavo. (PDF file)

Terri’s spiritual well being continues to be of paramount importance to Bishop Lynch and all those serving within the Diocese. The spiritual ministry to any person is a private matter. The Diocese has been involved in helping to provide for Terrimedia blitz this week. That’s rich! He wants to kill his wife and because her family is stopping him, he’s the victim.

Fr. Rob also recounts some of his activities, especially how his vocation as priest helps him provide comfort and care to the people demonstrating and praying on behalf of Terri and to her family. It’s the power of the priesthood.

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