Dupre to gays: friend or foe?

Dupre to gays: friend or foe?

Two men have come forward with new, more detailed allegations against Bishop Thomas Dupre, alleging he violated them regularly back in the 1970s when they were teens. One of the men, who is now gay, says he came forward because he saw hypocricy in Dupre’s stance against gay marriage.

The irony is that Dupre was the most gay friendly of Massachusetts bishops. Whenever the topic of gay rights and such came up in the Massachusetts Legislature, he was the brake that slowed down any action by the four dioceses of the state to counteract the gay lobby. In fact, it was widely speculated that it was Dupre who was behind Worcester Bishop Daniel Reilly’s appearance before the Legislature last year that undermined efforts to ban gay marriage by opening up the possibility of the Church approving civil unions. Most observers were surprised at Reilly’s comments and suspected that he was put up to it by someone else, probably Dupre who no longer had Cardinal Law to counteract him with Archbishop O’Malley to new in his position to use influence.

I’m not discounting the allegations, but I think the gay victim’s complaints are somewhat misplaced. I think his complaints would be better directed at homosexuality itself because as a disorder it has a tendency to warp the man or woman afflicted with it.

Update: The Boston Globe reports that Dupre is at St. Luke’s Institute in Maryland.

The Globe learned yesterday that Dupre checked into St. Luke Institute in Silver Spring, Md. While Dupre has said he had a heart condition, the institute does not have a coronary care unit. It does treat priests with emotional, behavioral, and psychological problems, including those who have sexually abused people.

So we finally have the lie put to Dupre’s claims that he resigned because of back or heart problems. St. Luke’s is where they send priests who sexually abuse others. Of course, his decision to go there only came at the very last moment before the accusations against him were going to be revealed. Looks like a hornet’s nest has been kicked over in Springfield.

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