Blogger Meeting

Blogger Meeting

image One of the nice things about blogging is all the nice people you meet and that’s especially true when it’s people from all across the country. Today was one of those opportunities. I was able to meet Fr. Rob Johansen of the Thrown Back blog. He was in town after having driven up from DC yesterday. We went to dinner last night and then he concelebrated Mass at my parish this morning and then went out to brunch with us this morning.

We had a good time talking, about movies, books, blogging (were your ears burning?), the state of the Church, and so on. It’s funny that we met face-to-face for the first time only yesterday, but within minutes the conversation was flowing like we’d known each other for years, which in a way we have.

Fr. Rob’s a nice guy, a priest who obviously loves his vocation, and his parish is lucky to have him. He did say that he’s been so busy since becoming a pastor a few months ago that he hasn’t had much time to blog, but hopes to begin again soon. I hope so too.

I also hope that I get to meet more of you in person. Every time I’ve met a fellow blogger or someone from the blogospere in the past, they’ve unfailingly been good people to meet. I’d like to get the opportunity to meet more of you.




